Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Not much to report this time around. kelly is starting school with a trucking company on Monday for a few weeks then he will be working for them for the next couple of years witch he seems to be very excited about. well this last month we have been trying to stay very busy we house sat for my family a couple of weeks a go it was fun i took it as a little vacation away from our house and enjoyed the quiet. thanks for letting us do that for you. i was able to go to lagoon with some of my girl friends i didn't ride the rides but i still had tons of fun. kelly would have gone but he was working for a friend that day so he let me go. Thanks honey. then lately we went on a shopping date and looked at baby stuff and picked up things for kelly for work. then went out to Red Robins witch is becoming one of our favorite restaurants.

1 comment:

jtandj said...

Thank you for the update!! You rock! You should post about your new bling!