Tuesday, November 10, 2009

baby shower

I just want to start off by thanking Keri Beth and Marlene for giving me a great Baby Shower.

I want to apologize the pictures are in reverse order.

This is my mother in law she offered to help take

the gifts out to my car but wouldn't let me take any,

So we had to get a picture of her trying to carry everything.

Nancy, Andrea, and me

A bunch of us sitting around talking.

I was so happy that my grandpa came, he is a wonderful man.

My sister Sara also came and brought her husband and son.

Debbie, me, and Sarah

My belly at 37 weeks.

My best friend Andrea came up from Taylor's ville.

I am so happy she was able to make it,it is always great to see her.

My friend Lissa helped with writing the list.

Thank you Lissa

Kayla, Jamie, Nadine, Ann, Christie

Opening my gifts. Thanks again everyone.

I love this outfit.

My niece Marlee she wanted to keep the gifts for her self. she is so cute

Thanks mom and Keri Beth

I love the bouncer.