Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Baby News

I know most of you already know this but Kelly and I are expecting our first baby. I know that it is a surprise to a lot of you. It was a big surprise to us to find out the news. Seeing that we wanted to wait a few years but I guess that has all changed. Kelly is really excited where as I am more nerves and scared but I am coming around to the idea. We had our first doctors appointment on the 20Th and the Doctor said that everything is going good. we got our first ultrasound also it was amazing to see that there was actually a baby in there. i was having a hard time believing it until I Shaw it on the screen. Well that's about it for this blog. sorry no pictures.


Grandma's Joys said...

I know I've already told you congratulations, but thought it would be fun to put it on your blog. I will be anxious to hear if it's a boy or girl!

The Morris Family said...

Hope you are feeling better!